Clearance Pockets

Custom-designed or reconditioned to fit your operating conditions.

Parts & Repair

Features & Benefits

Generous, smooth gas flow passages
  • Minimum pressure drop – improves efficiency
Low velocity, double–deck poppet valves
  • Minimum losses – improves efficiency
Well designed head-end and crank-end clearance pockets
  • Increases operating flexibility with minimum losses. Avoids engine overload
Large suction and discharge nozzles
  • Less pressure drop – improves efficiency
Custom made to your specifications
  • Satisfies exact diameter and built-in clearance requirements for optimum efficiency and engine loading

Contact Us Now!

800-TRYCECO (879-2326)
5440 Alder Dr.
Houston, Texas 77081
Fax 713-664-6444

Form 2011, January 2010
Re-conditioned or custom designed

Cylinders & Pockets

For integral gas engines

Custom made to your specifications for optimal efficiency & load!

As gas volumes change and operating conditions vary on pipeline systems, it may be necessary to install new compressor cylinders on existing units. CECO has the experience to design and build cylinders for all integral units.

CECO can fit your clearance pockets with pneumatic unloaders to automatically change capacity with varying operating conditions.

Custom designed!

Delivering superior products and services to the gas transmission, gas processing & petrochemical industries since 1964.

©2010 Compressor Engineering Corporation
®CECO is a registered trademark of Compressor Engineering Corporation.
All other company names and models listed are registered trademarks of their respective owners.