Piston Rings

24-hour rush delivery of piston rings is available.

Parts & Repair

CECO Resilon-T®

High Performance Polymers
  • PEEK
  • PPS (Ryton®)
  • PTFE (Teflon®)
Also available:
  • Laminated phenolics(Micarta®)
  • Bronze
  • Cast iron
Please consult our materials selection guide for more information

Available in several cuts and styles
  • Angle cut
  • Step cut
  • Butt cut
  • Pressure balanced
  • Single or multi-segment

Contact Us Now!

800-TRYCECO (879-2326)
5440 Alder Dr.
Houston, Texas 77081
Fax 713-664-6444

Form 1374, January 2010
Customized solutions

Piston Rings
Emergency turnaround service available

Raw material stock available for quick turnaround!

Allow CECO to suggest the proper piston ring material and design for your most demanding application. CECO’s engineering department maintains detailed specifications, proven case histories, and years of experience on reciprocating compressors.

Our piston rings are machined to close tolerances to create a positive seal. For low-pressure differentials, including vacuum applications, we recommend using an embedded round wire expander to ensure contact of the piston ring against the cylinder wall.

Exceed performance requirements!

Delivering superior products and services to the gas transmission, gas processing & petrochemical industries since 1964.

©2010 Compressor Engineering Corporation
®CECO is a registered trademark of Compressor Engineering Corporation.
All other company names and models listed are registered trademarks of their respective owners.